Wellington Patient Meeting 1 July


You’re invited to join us at our next Wellington Patient Meeting

Thursday 1st July 2021, 5pm

BNZ Partners Centre,
Level 10, Ricoh House
1 Victoria Street
Wellington 6011

Patients and their supporters are welcome to join the trustees for light refreshments and a brief presentation related to issues affecting patients and carers living with a cancer. Speaker to be confirmed.

At this stage, this will not be livestreamed and filming of this event for addition to the website is not guaranteed.


To register your attendance, please RSVP through this form by 26th June. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1TeMWe9fjIc1OMxrJWkkmU6ApB_tzVG16lOv5yV23YSM/viewform?edit_requested=true

If you have a query, please email admin@multiplemyeloma.org.nz