If you or your loved one have been diagnosed with multiple myeloma, we’re here to help you.
About Myeloma New Zealand
Myeloma New Zealand is a charitable trust established in 2016 by the late Dr Ken Romeril, who was a leading New Zealand haematologist. Our purpose is to focus specifically on myeloma and to improve the quality of life and survival of New Zealanders living with it.
We are primarily a patient advocacy organisation, that seeks to empower patients with information, research and support; to advocate with government to allow myeloma patients access to the remarkable treatments that are transforming lives and survival in other comparable countries; and to raise awareness and understanding among the general public of myeloma, the second most common of blood cancers. We identify and support strategies and research initiatives that will both improve the quality of life of those living with myeloma and extend their lives.
About myeloma
Myeloma is an incurable blood cancer of the plasma cells which are usually found in the bone marrow. Plasma cells are part of your immune system.
There are approximately 3000 New Zealanders, of whom 60% are male, are currently living with myeloma. Around 450 new cases are reported each year, and just over 200 deaths. The average age of diagnosis is around 65 but it can also occur in patients much younger than this. It is our second most common blood cancer. While myeloma is an incurable cancer, patients can live with myeloma for many years.