Treatment options for refractory/relapsed multiple myeloma: an updated evidence synthesis by network meta-analysis

Background: The refractory/relapsed multiple myeloma (RRMM) remains a big clinical challenge, due to its biological and clinical complexity. Leading hematologists have performed many randomized controlled trials (RCTs) worldwide, and their findings were summarized in a recently published network meta-analysis (NMA) but with certain limitations.
Materials and methods: We performed an updated NMA of RCTs related to RRMM treatment, focusing on efficacy measures including the nonresponse rate (NRR), time to progression (TTP), progression-free survival (PFS), and overall survival (OS). The PubMed database was searched. We extended the literature search strategy of a previous NMA to June 30, 2017 and included additional primary RCTs. The surface under the cumulative ranking curve (SUCRA) was calculated to rank the regimens. A weighted-average method was used to rank the regimens by summarizing SUCRAs across different outcome measures.

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